About Us

In 2016, we decided to pursue a simpler life in which we could live out our dream of being modern day homesteaders.

Everyday we are learning and trying new ways of doing things that are more self-sustaining and closer to how our grandparents lived 50-100 years ago. If a world-wide pandemic has shown us anything, it showed us we are on the right track.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to not only know where your food comes from, but to have the ability and skills needed to provide it for yourself and your family wether that be through gardening, raising livestock, hunting and fishing.

Physical ailments and limitations definitely make things harder for us and we are finding adaptive ways to live this lifestyle.

It not always easy. It’s not always perfect or pretty. It is, however, always fulfilling.

We hope you will join us on our adventure toward living a more subsistence lifestyle. Through our blog and on Instagram and Facebook, we will be sharing what we learn and we hope you will be sharing with us as well! #ShareExploreInspire #AlwaysLearning

So, welcome! Welcome to Misty Meadows… where the adventure begins! We hope you’ll join us!